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PPPs for CoVEs: challenges and lessons learned

PPPs for CoVEs: challenges and lessons learned

Public Private Partnership (PPP) in the context of institutional autonomy in implementation of vocational training is a way to increase its effectiveness.

Interesting and instructive for anyone planning to create a Center of Vocational Excellence (CoVE) are the results of the study of the European Training Foundation (ETF), shared in its report "CoVEs: processes and practices. Study of working processes and key practices of CoVEs for advancing autonomy and PPPs".

Below we focus on the main challenges and lessons learnt reflected in this report.

They fall into the eight categories described below:

1. Towards greater CoVE autonomy.

Overall, both policy makers and CoVEs recognise that more autonomy is needed for the success of PPPs. However, the level of autonomy varies widely between the different countries and different types of VET institutions in the same country. In some cases, greater autonomy refers to CoVEs being able to manage their own staff or budget, in others the right of CoVEs to sell their own products.

2. Improving the image of VET.

One of the main challenges is the negative public perception of VET. A lot of work to be done to increase the attractiveness of the VET system in general and improve the image of CoVEs. There is a consensus that it is needed increase the attractiveness of VET for each group of actors (students, parents, teachers and the private sector) based on better promotion, pre-launch marketing and the creation of a positive buzz. The promotion of CoVEs is an important lesson learned and should be taken into account. PPP implementation and good practices have a positive effect on the image of CoVEs.

3. Private sector involvement

The role and motivation of the private sector in PPPs is essential. At the policy level there is a need to develop mechanisms to increase motivation, deepen involvement and create formulas for cooperation ot VET with the private sector. At CoVE level, there is a need to pay more attention to better coordinated actions with the private partners and the importance of concluding contracts with clearly defined responsibilities (e.g. guaranteeing students work placements in industry). The CoVEs roles are to organize structured events, such as fairs, exhibitions and visits, to bridge the gap between schools and the private sector and make it easier for students to get in touch with companies. It is considered it essential to try out new models of PPPs and share experiences from different contexts.

4. Finances and financial autonomy

It is important for the CoVEs have a right to act as entrepreneurs and sell their own products, but the practice is quite new in some countries and does not apply to all VET institutions. Implementing PPPs is one way for CoVEs to raise additional funds. Depending on the country and context, the funding may come from a private company or an international organisation or may be in the form of an additional grant from the public budget. There is quite important the CoVEs to participate in calls for proposals, including at international level. Overall, other aspects of financial autonomy need to be taken into account in order to assess the further progress of CoVEs in this dimension. These include:

  • determination of the CoVE’s budget;
  • the proportion of budget spent on infrastructure (e.g. buildings);
  • procuring consumables, teaching materials and equipment;
  • setting the salaries and incremental payments for teachers and administrators.
  • setting fees for learners to participate in specific VET programs (e.g. adults);
  • service fees to be charged (e.g. for the use of property, sale of services);
  • using internally generated funds;
  • outsourcing or sharing of services (e.g. cleaning, IT maintenance);
  • other.

5. PPP for sustainable employment

The responding to market demands and learning how to adopt new technologies are essential aspects to keep up with the level of innovation and possible skills anticipation. The courses in CoVEs have tp be in line with labour market needs and innovative technologies and this requires the ongoing curriculum review and modernisation. CoVEe have to implement good practices taken from the PPPs in order to increase the employability.

6. Qualified management and further training

Good management of a CoVE is a precondition for granting more autonomy to it - CoVE needs to be well managed to be able to cope with such an autonomy and create conditions for easier and more successful implementation of PPPs. So, CoVEs need well educated and skilled managers. As PPPs are a new practice for many CoVEs and their implementation requires staff to take on new responsibilities, it is a must that the staff should also receive further training to equip them with new skills and attitudes.

7. Supporting teacher involvement in PPPs

The qualified and motivated teachers are one of the main drivers for initiating and implementing PPPs. There is crucial to recognise their critical role in developing PPPs. There is very often a lack of incentives combined with rigid bureaucracy adds to teachers’ workload and stress levels, reducing motivation and increasing resistance to system change and implementing PPPs. Guidelines to systematize the PPP process so that more teachers and staff can be involved are needed.

8. Sharing experiences

The CoVEs are mostly focused on the national level, stressing that the exchange of good practices should take place between schools presenting and exchanging success stories. The information on good practices should be shared not only with the students and their parents but also with local businesses in order to strengthen the role of civil society and increase its engagement. Workshops, training events, open portals and platforms are good ways to transfer good practices and share experiences. The role of the private sector is to participate in the decision-making process in all phases and in such a way to modernise VET education and make it more relevant to working life. CoVEe have to implement good practices taken from the PPPs in order to increase the employability.

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