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Survey on smart city projects and professions

Survey on smart city projects and professions

Dear visitors, users and others who access or use our website! 

We invite all of you, who are smart city stakeholders to participate in one interesting and to some extent provocative survey. 

This survey is targeted mainly to providers or users of smart city technologies and solutions, municipal officials, training and professional organizations, ICT clusters, institutional and private investors in urban development projects, professionals who develop, manage, advise and facilitate projects for smart cities, and etc.). 

Here is a direct link to the survey!

More about this survey!

You are asked to share with us what do you think about the role and challenges in developing, managing and implementing smart citiy projects and what are the needs for professional knowledge and skills to improve efficacy and efficiency of smart city projects. Our message is that digital transformation in the cities is not just about technology, it is a way of thinking and a holistic approach to designing, managing and implementing smart city projects of different scales and nature within an urban digitalisation strategy. Such an approach to this topic requires new skills and new professionals who can generate and scale smart city projects, increase their successul implementation and achive required impact.

We expect the participants in this survey to tell us what, why and how smart cities fail and what is needed to avoid such a phenomenon and to increase the success rate of smart city projects

Enter HERE to give us your answers!

Thank you for your support!



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