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News from GoGreen Project

News from GoGreen Project

Milena Koleva - member of the Suppervisory Board

Between 13th and 15th of November a team of GO GREEN executed the second study visit, this time in Bilbao, hosted by the partner Politeknika Txorierri. It was a real success and we had the opportunity to visit the school and some of their partner companies in order to better understand how VET and work-based learning are organized in their region. 

The main topic on focus was cultivating green skills of students and employees, and respectively the impact and contribution of the GO GREEN results and project as a whole.

The visit included meeting with students from Txorierri, visit of the school and its labs, visit to the Basque Technology Park and to one of the energy companies Arteche . They all shared their sustainability strategies and good practices with focus on the Sustainable Development Goals as guiding principles and also the relevance and importance of green skills of their teams. This study visit achieved its main purposes to raise awareness about good practices and initiatives offered in EU countries, for the development of green skills of students and on the practices that VET organisations apply for the development of green skills of students, during their apprenticeships.

The overarching concept of green competences was discussed and the development of the results was reviewed and validate with the main target groups. The next milestone is a Transnational training of trainers workshop which will take place in January in Greece, hosted by the partner IDEC. IDEC will be the leader of this task and all partners will help. It will consist of the organisation of a workshop in Athens for VET trainers to build their capacity to support the acquisition of green skills, during work-based learning.











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