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INVESTech project started

INVESTech project started

The Innovation Vocational Excellence in Tech (INVESTech) project started with the first project meeting in Kosice, Slovakia. The meeting was hosted by the Technical University of Kosice. 35 participants from 6 countries (Slovakia, Greece, Lithuinia, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Italy) took part in this meeting to discuss about the project purpuse, tasks, schedule and the roles of the partners in the project performance next 4 years. From Bulgaria participated Milena Koleva and Dimitar Hristov (Cluster Sofia Knowledge City) and Teodora Sotirova and Daniela Levi (Joint Innovation Centre of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences).

INVESTech aims to support the establishment and development of a transnational cooperation platform of Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and to promote the innovation potential of vocational education and training (VET). The project aims to support the alignment of CoVEs with regional smart specialisation strategies with emphasis on sustainable development and innovation.

  • Establish a bottom-up approach to vocational excellence involving a wide range of stakeholders at regional level, building on existing skills ecosystems, expanding them or creating new ecosystems, thus enabling CoVEs to rapidly adapt skills provision to evolving economic and social needs.
  • Facilitate the development of skills and use of innovative technology, promote green transition and social inclusion, and provide opportunities for international collaboration and exchange of good practices.
  • Promote the innovation potential of VET in the participating countries by fostering collaboration between education, the labour market and other stakeholders.

One of the project results will be the establishment of CoVEs in the ICT sector in partner countries, incorporating the Quintuple Innovation Helix (Q2IH) Framework.


 Milena Koleva - presenting the Bulgarian participants (CSKC, JIC-BAS and TUES) and their tasks in the project


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