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Invitation to the General Meeting of CSKC on November 4, 2024

Invitation to the General Meeting of CSKC on November 4, 2024

The Management Board of the Cluster Sofia Knowledge City, BULSTAT code 177131294, with headquarters and management address: Sofia, Sredets district, p. k. 1000, Tsar Kaloyan St. No. 8, fl. 3, on the basis of Article 20 of the Articles of Association, convenes a General Meeting, which will be held on 04.11.2024 at 11:00 a.m. in the city of Sofia, at the address: Tsar Kaloyan Street No. 8, fl. 4, with the following AGENDA:

  1. Adoption of a report on the activities of CSKC for 2023 until 01.07.2024.
  2. Adoption of the GFO of CSKC for 2023 and the Income - Expenses report for the 1st half of 2024.
  3. Adoption of the report on the implementation of the budget for 2023.
  4. Termination of membership in CSKC
  5. Exemption from office and exemption from responsibility of the members of the management bodies of CSKC
  6. Election of new members of the governing bodies of CSKC
  7. Others

In the absence of a quorum, on the basis of Article 23 of the Articles of Association, the General Meeting is postponed one hour later at the same place and with the same agenda and will be held regardless of the number of members present.In case the representative of the organization is prevented, another person may be authorized to participate.

Proposals for members of the management bodies (Management Board and Control Board) can be sent in writing to the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., including on the day until the time of the General Assembly or you can propose orally during the General Assembly itself. If possible, attach short professional references of the candidates to your proposals.

All documents related to the agenda of the General Assembly are available on site at the office of the association or can be sent by mail or e-mail upon request by a regular member of the cluster. The full text of the BG version of the invitation is available HERE.

In order to support the decision-making of the General Assembly, a poll was conducted among the members of the association. BG version of the survey results can be downloaded HERE.

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