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Participation in EIP-SCC General Assembly

The Cluster Sofia Knowledge City took an active part in the EIP-SCC General Assembly. Our representatives were Dimitar Hristov - Cluster Manager and Prof. Rumen Nikolov - Chairman of the Board. The European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC) is one of the European Commission's initiatives to unite cities, industry, and citizens to improve urban living through more sustainable smart, and integrated solutions. Its marketplace supports smart city projects in at least 300 cities with investments of up to € 1 billion, including public and private investors and banks. The purpose of the assembly this year in Sofia was to show investors' commitment to smart cities and to help cities themselves develop strategies for attracting investment. The event provided a unique opportunity to exchange good practice, project presentation, partner search, and discuss innovative ideas.

Map of urban lighting

DAVID Holding, one of the companies initiators and members of the Cluster Sofia Knowledge City, has developed a tool (management support system) for the lighting of the city of Sofia.

This is a small but integral step towards the wider application of smart city technologies and digitization of the city. The system was developed between 2014 and 2015 based on Bentley Systems GIS software.

It aims at facilitating the management decisions in the municipality by presenting the actual state of the lighting in Sofia as one of the important elements of the urban environment.

The information is visualized on the Map of urban lighting.

Digital Assembly 2018

Prof. Rumen Nikolov - Vice-Chair of the Managing Board and Dimitar Hristov - CEO of the Cluster Sofia Knowledge City participated in the Digital Assembly 2018 that took place on 25 and 26 June in Sofia, Bulgaria. The event was co-organized by the European Commission and the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The Digital Assembly is a major annual forum and gathered more than 1,500 stakeholders and high-level policymakers to debate the EU digital policy and the implications of recent technological developments. At the conference, Mariya Gabriel has - the Commissioner on Digital Economy and Society called for the full implementation of the Digital Single Market strategy by 2018.

Open innovation on focus

The representative of Cluster Sofia Knowledge City (CSKC) - Adelina Hristova - took part in two important events for the cluster in London on 25-26 April 2018: 1. Chief Innovation Officer Summit 2018 and 2. Оpen Innovation Summit 2018.

The events gathered business representatives, chief innovation officers, heads of innovation in large companies, and technology companies specializing in innovation management software and ideas generation in organizations, with discussions on how organizations can improve their innovation culture and approach to innovation.

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