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The development of Sofia Smart City Marketplace has started

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The Cluster Sofia Knowledge City signed a contract with the company TOUCHPOINT for the creation of an online platform - Sofia Smart City Marketplace. The platform is a component of the Project BG16RFOP002-2.009-0018-C01 - Creating Organizational Capacity and Development Strategy for Cluster Sofia Knowledge City. TOUCHPOINT has been in the information technology market for 15 years and provides specialized services to its customers to improve and optimize their IT infrastructure and management systems. The cluster has trusted the company's overall experience and the expertise of its development team.

Visit from Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality

On October 29-30, 2018, the Cluster Sofia City of Knowledge hosted a delegation from the city of Istanbul. The purpose of this visit was, the members of the delegation to be introduced to the objectives and the way the cluster and its members work, to study the progress of the city in the process of digital transformation and to sign a co-operation agreement. The delegation was led by Muhammed Alyuruk - Managing Director of ISBAK Istanbul and together with him were Dr. Fatih GÜNDOĞAN from IT Smart City Technologies Inc. and prof. Yilmaz Cakir, Head of BAŞAKŞEHİR LIVING LAB.

Sofia participates in the Digital Cities Challenge

As a national leader in the ICT sector, Sofia has ambitions to become a leading European city in terms of ICT business and creative and recreational industries.

The fact is that ICT is the fastest growing industry in the city with a growth of 21.8% in 2016 compared to 2012. The city council has declared that it will formulate a well-coordinated smart city concept and contribute to including all stakeholders in the city transformation process. With this commitment, the city of Sofia joined in early 2018 in the European Commission's programme Digital Cities Challenge, which started at the end of 2017 and will continue until June 2019.

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