News archive

Bronze label granted

Today the Cluster Sofia Knowledge City is awarded with the Cluster Management Excellence Label BRONZE – Striving for Cluster Excellence No BGR011201812C181103. At the end of 2018 the Cluster Sofia Knowledge City participated in a Cluster Management Benchmarking Exercise performed by the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA). The European Cluster Excellence Initiative (ECEI, , a project co-financed by the DG Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission 2009-2012) developed quality indicators that resulted in an internationally recognised quality label for cluster management.

Six news from the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona.

Cluster Sofia Knowledge City took part in the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona from 13-15 November 2018. The event produced the following interesting and important six NEWS:

  1. Singapore has been chosen by the International jury as the Smart City of 2018.  Singapore was praised for its wide array of government-developed solutions, from dynamic public bus routing algorithms to real-time parent-teacher portals and predictive analytics for water pipe leaks. 
  2. Amsterdam, Barcelona, and New York City launched the Cities Coalition for Digital Rights. The joint initiative will promote and track progress in protecting residents’ and visitors’ digital rights.

Knowledge & Smart Cities International conference successfully completed

The International conference Knowledge & Smart Cities successfully completed. It was held on 26.11.2018 in John Atanasoff Hall in the Sofia Tech Park.

It was the second conference on this topic that Cluster Sofia Knowledge City has held over the past two years. Unlike the conference a year ago, this one was focused on the practical aspects of creating a market for smart cities and communities, integrated planning, and regulatory policies. This was made possible by organizing the discussion forum in four workgroups in the afternoon session. The forum was led by the Action cluster Integrated Planning, Policy, and Regulation at EIP-SCC.

The market research and cluster development strategy began

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The Cluster Sofia Knowledge City has signed a contract with the international consultancy company Euroconsultants Bulgaria SA for conducting market research and development of a strategy for the transformation of Sofia into a smart city.

The company is a member of Euroconsultants S.A - an international consultancy group, which has a strong experience and reputation in the market for consulting services carried out by its practices registered in 12 countries.

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