News archive

Round table on Cyber security interaction between Science, Business and Government

On April 5, 2018, SULSIT (a member of Cluster Sofia City of Knowledge) held a round table on Cybersecurity interaction between Science, Business and Government. At the round table was presented one of the developments of DAVID Holding (a member of the cluster) - Geospatial portal for proactive decision support in Cyber-Security System of Sofia Municipality - conceptual model with the Internet of Things (IoT).

Information Day of the Cluster Sofia Knowledge City

On 27.03.2018 at 11.00 Cluster Sofia, Knowledge City launches its first Information Day to be held at the Smart Cities exhibition from 27 to 29 March 2018 in Sofia, Interexpo Center, Hall 5. We invite all our members, friends, and supporters to visit the opening and announced Program in Section C24 as well as our stand in Section D21.

The Information Day is organized with the support of the Operational Program "Innovation and Competitiveness" 2014-2020, within the framework of project BG16RFOP002-2.009-0018-C01 - Creating an Organizational Capacity and Strategy for Development of Cluster Sofia Knowledge City

Visiting the Gav-Yam Negev Technology Park in Israel and new project ideas

Two representatives of тthe Cluster Sofia Knowledge City - Prof. Bogdan Ugarchinski - Deputy Chairman of the Management Board and Kiril Zhelyazkov - Member of the CB visited the Gav-Yam Negev Technology Park in Israel. The visit was in the framework of the delegation of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria in Israel between March 20 and 22, 2018.

They visited three of the most important areas of the park: a financial cybersecurity zone; a cybersecurity area in the energy, ecology, and water sectors; a cybersecurity area in other areas of Israel's functioning. 

Clusters meeting in Brussels

Cluster Sofia Knowledge City took part in the European Cluster Matchmaking Event 2018, a meeting organized by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP). The meeting was held in Brussels within the framework of the EU Industry Day on 21-23 February 2018. The event brought together high-level politicians and cluster managers to discuss actions to further development of the industrial competitiveness in Europe.

Our representative of the forum was Adelina Hristova - an expert in internal communications at the cluster organization. It held useful meetings with more than 22 cluster representatives from 10 countries from a total of 130 cluster managers and representatives.

Blog publications

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